My Writings. My Thoughts.

Welcome Mark the Evangelist

// May 26th, 2017 // Comments Off on Welcome Mark the Evangelist // Daily News

Greetings !
It has been revealed to me that my purpose and the purpose of Liferep is to introduce life professionals to the best opportunities the industry has to offer. Also Liferep is here to provide the best protection for families against the inevitability of our deaths; AT THE LOWEST COST. But first and foremost, LIFEREP is here to help spread the message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our purpose is to protect your families’ lives and THEIR SOULS !
My name is Mark Borneman.
I am named for Mark the Evangelist, the gospel writer.
Nothing is more important than the eternal positioning of our souls.

Good Friday April 14, 2017

// April 14th, 2017 // Comments Off on Good Friday April 14, 2017 // Daily News

Good Friday

Let us all remember that it was on this day
that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ hung
on the cross and died, so that our sins would
be forgiven. He won the battle over evil.
Thank you Lord for your sacrifice, and thank
you for loving me.

Our Best Help

by Joyce Meyer – posted April 14, 2017

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
—Psalm 121:1-2 NKJV

We should be maturing in our faith to the point that we don’t run to someone else every time we need to know what to do. I am not implying that asking for a word of counsel from people we feel are wiser than we are is wrong, but I do believe asking for people’s opinions excessively and relying on them too heavily is wrong and insulting to God.

As you can tell from today’s verse, David sought God first and knew God was his only help. The same is true for us, so we must be like David and always look to God first. We need to develop a habit of seeing God as our “first choice” for advice, not as our last resort.

God may use a person of His choice to clarify things, offer additional insight, or confirm what He has already told us, so seek Him first and if He leads you to a person, follow His leading.

In Numbers 22:20-28, God even used a donkey to speak to someone. He wants to speak to us so much that He will use whatever means is necessary. You can be assured that if you are trusting God to speak that He will find a way to get His message through to you.