My Writings. My Thoughts.

Monday April 4, 2016

// April 4th, 2016 // Comments Off on Monday April 4, 2016 // Daily News

We have moved to Florida !!

Liferep’s Florida office is now the permanent home for the company.
While we employ many remote recruiters and technical experts, Florida
is now the home office.
We are truly blessed.

Today’s Inspiration

Getting Off to a Good Start

by Joyce Meyer – posted April 04, 2016

Then the Lord said to me,” Arise, begin your journey…”
—Deuteronomy 10:11 NKJV

One way to love yourself is to keep your physical body in shape, and one of the best ways to do that is to be committed to some kind of exercise. I often say the toughest part of a new exercise program is getting started. Following are some extremely simple ways to begin exercise programs that stick.

1. A Daily Walk. Something as simple as walking thirty minutes every day is very beneficial for your health. Do what’s manageable, not what leaves you gasping!

2. Indoor Exercise. You can exercise in the privacy of your own home using a video, or you can take an exercise class.

3. Strength Training. Strengthening your muscles can be done quickly and at home, without any special machines. Sit-ups, push-ups, or lifting simple weights doesn’t take long or cost much, but these things are good for you!

4. Running or Biking. Running and biking are good options, but riding a bicycle is easier on your joints than running.

5. Swimming. Swimming provides a good, gentle cardiovascular workout and works many muscle groups at once.

Start slowly, do your best, and keep it up. Soon you’ll find yourself in better shape!

Love Yourself Today: Take care of your physical body through regular exercise, and do something to get yourself off to a good start today.

Tuesday March 22, 2016

// March 22nd, 2016 // Comments Off on Tuesday March 22, 2016 // Daily News

‘Shocking level of unpreparedness’ in Belgium: Experts

Current and former U.S. and European counter-terrorism officials, who are experts on ISIS in Europe, told NBC News that the location and timing of the attacks — just days after the capture of the suspected operational leader of the Bataclan massacre in Paris — suggested a “shocking” level of unpreparedness by Belgian authorities.
They described Brussels, especially the Maelbeek neighborhood near the site of the subway strike, as an explosive mix of highly capable foreign fighters trained by ISIS and sympathetic locals who are unknown to authorities but eager to help in attacks.
They noted that when Bataclan terror suspect Salah Abdeslam was arrested last week, authorities found a huge cache of weapons, prompting Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders to warn of other imminent attacks.
“He was ready to restart something in Brussels,” Reynders said at the German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum. Besides discovering “a lot of weapons, heavy weapons,” Reynders said, “we have found a new network around him in Brussels.
Clint Watts, a former FBI and U.S. Army counter-terrorism official and expert on how ISIS operates, told NBC News that Belgian authorities should have been more prepared for Tuesday’s attacks.
“That they could sit for four months, not only in Belgium but in Brussels and especially in Maelbeek, and plot these kinds of attacks just four days after the arrest of such a high-level network facilitator — this is shocking to me because they should have been on the highest level of alert,” Watts told NBC News.
“It is hard to conceive that this would happen on such a large scale when it was so obvious that these guys were operating there,” Watts said of ISIS. “After [Abdeslam’s] arrest, you would have to assume everyone in the network was preparing to launch whatever they had.”
“After the Paris attacks, it was a question of not being able to run all the leads down,” Watts said. After Tuesday, “It’s no longer a capacity problem, it’s a competency problem.”
Frank J. Cilluffo, a former senior U.S. counter-terrorism official, agreed
“It is in essence the Ground Zero of European jihadism, there is no question about that,” Cilluffo said of the part of Brussels where some of the attacks Tuesday occurred. “And the fact that [Abdeslam] was able to evade authorities for so long demonstrates the high level of support for their network in the community.”
Whether police and intelligence agencies were prepared “is the legitimate question to ask the Belgian authorities,” said Cilluffo, who directs the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. “Obviously, you have to worry about the rest of Europe, hardening those targets right now — notably transportation and places where there are large gatherings.”

Today’s Inspiration

Building Bridges, Not Walls

by Joyce Meyer – posted March 22, 2016

For He is [Himself] our peace (our bond of unity and harmony). He has made us both [Jew and Gentile] one [body], and has broken down (destroyed, abolished) the hostile dividing wall between us.
– Ephesians 2:14

One day while I was praying, the Holy Spirit showed me that my life had become a bridge for others to pass over and find their place in God. For many years, I erected only walls in my life; but now where there were walls, there are bridges instead. All the difficult and unfair things that have happened to me have been turned into highways over which others can pass to find the same liberty that I have found. I have learned to build bridges instead of walls.

In Hebrews 5:9 Jesus is referred to as “the Author and Source of eternal salvation.” He pioneered a pathway to God for us. He became a highway for us to pass over. It is as though He faced a giant forest and went in ahead of us so that when we came along we could drive right through it without having to fight all the elements and the density of the forest. He sacrificed Himself for us; and now that we are benefiting from His sacrifice, He is giving us a chance to sacrifice for others so they can reap the same benefits we enjoy.

Hebrews 12:2 says that Jesus endured the cross for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before Him. I like to remind myself of that fact when the way seems hard. I tell myself, Keep pressing on, Joyce. There is joy ahead.

Make a decision to tear down your walls and build bridges. There are many, many people who are lost in their messes and need someone to go before them and show them the way. Why not be that person for them? Walls or bridges? The choice is yours.