My Writings. My Thoughts.

Wednesday March 24, 2021

// March 24th, 2021 // Comments Off on Wednesday March 24, 2021 // Daily News

Wednesday March 24, 2021

// December 2nd, 2020 // Comments Off on Wednesday March 24, 2021 // Daily News

Whistleblowers Testify To Fraud In Battleground States

UPDATED 6:44 AM PT – Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Whistleblowers in Virginia recently chose to speak out in an effort to preserve election integrity. The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society law firm held a press conference Tuesday, where a number of whistleblowers gave eyewitness testimony on election fraud in key battleground states.

The Amistad Project had uncovered hundreds-of-thousands of ballots affected by election fraud in five states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. They have demanded election officials send logs and video of ballot handlers at several polling locations, especially at mail-in ballot drop boxes.

Several whistleblowers were subcontractors with the United States Postal Service (USPS) and alleged they faced problems working with the department. One man from Wisconsin claimed he saw only one ballot go out on November 2 and none on Election Day. On November 4, however, the local USPS chapter declared there were at least 100,000 ballots missing.

Another subcontractor from New York said he experienced weird behavior at two Pennsylvania USPS locations. He explained that officials from the first location held him there for more than six-hours and didn’t allow him to unload his trailer. Then at the second location, USPS officials took his whole trailer when he went to pick-up his truck.

This comes as Republican lawmakers throughout the country are hearing the Trump campaign’s case for widespread voter fraud. Meanwhile, campaign officials are asking for a recount in Wisconsin and a signature audit from Georgia election officials.


Today’s Inspiration

Practice Listening

Adapted from the resource Power Thoughts Devo – by Joyce Meyer

We often pray to know God’s will, but before we can hear from Him, we have to believe it’s our inherited right to do so. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to lead us into God’s will for each of our lives: But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth) (John 16:13 AMPC).

Discerning the voice of God will definitely take some practice—you’ll probably make a few mistakes along the way—but don’t be afraid to step out in faith. The more you practice listening for the Holy Spirit, the better you’ll become at learning and being led by His voice.

Prayer Starter:Father, thank You for being willing to lead me in everything I do. Please help me be patient as I’m in the process of growing and learning to hear Your voice better. In Jesus’ name, amen.