Monday October 24, 2022

// October 24th, 2022 // Daily News

JPMorgan president says a recession may be price to pay to beat inflation, market bottom not in yet


  • While there is a growing chorus of voices who say that the Federal Reserve should slow or halt its rate increases, JPMorgan President Daniel Pinto is not in that camp.
  • “I think putting inflation back in a box is very important,” Pinto told CNBC in an interview. “If it causes a slightly deeper recession for a period of time, that is the price we have to pay.”
  • “I don’t think we’ve seen the bottom of the market yet,” he said, adding that corporate earnings expectations were still too high.
  • Pinto, who leads the world’s biggest investment bank by revenue, called cryptocurrencies a small asset class that is “kind of irrelevant” at the moment.


JPMorgan Chase President Daniel Pinto has vivid memories of what life is like when a country loses control of inflation.

As a child growing up in Argentina, Pinto, 59, said that inflation was often so high, prices for food and other goods spiked on an hourly basis. Workers could lose 20% of their salary if they didn’t rush to convert their paycheck into U.S. dollars, he said.

“Supermarkets had these armies of people using machines to relabel products, sometimes 10 to 15 times a day,” Pinto said. “At the end of the day, they had to remove all the labels and start over again the next day.”

The experiences of Pinto, a Wall Street veteran who runs the world’s biggest investment bank by revenue, informs his views at a key time for markets and the economy.

After unleashing trillions of dollars in support of households and businesses in 2020, the Federal Reserve is grappling with inflation at four-decade highs by raising rates and pulling back on its debt-buying programs. The moves have cratered stocks and bonds this year and rippled around the world as a surging dollar complicates other nations’ own battles with inflation.

Living with pervasive inflation was “very, very stressful” and is especially hard on low-income families, Pinto said in a recent interview from JPMorgan’s New York headquarters. Price increases averaged more than 300% a year in Argentina from 1975 to 1991.

Aggressive Fed

While there is a growing chorus of voices who say the Federal Reserve should slow or halt its rate increases amid some signs of price moderation, Pinto is not in that camp.

“That’s why when people say, `the Fed is too hawkish,′ I disagree,” said Pinto, who became JPMorgan’s sole president and chief operating officer earlier this year, solidifying his status as CEO Jamie Dimon’s top lieutenant and potential successor.

“I think putting inflation back in a box is very important,” he said. “If it causes a slightly deeper recession for a period of time, that is the price we have to pay.”

The Fed can’t allow inflation to become ingrained in the economy, according to the executive. A premature return to easier monetary policy risks repeating the mistakes of the ’70s and ’80s, he said.

That’s why he thinks it’s more likely the Fed errs on the side of being aggressive on rates. The fed funds rate will probably peak at around 5%; that, along with a rise in unemployment, will likely curb inflation, Pinto said. The rate is currently in a 3% to 3.25% range.

Markets haven’t bottomed

Like a string of other executives have said recently, including Dimon and Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, the U.S. faces a recession because of the Fed’s predicament, Pinto said. The only question is how severe the slowdown will be. That, of course, is being reflected in the markets that Pinto watches daily.

“We’re dealing with a market that is pricing the probability of recession and how deep it’s going to be,” Pinto said.

The economic situation this year has been unlike any other in recent history; apart from booming price increases for goods and services, corporate earnings have been relatively resilient, confusing investors looking for signs of a slowdown.

But profit estimates haven’t fallen far enough to reflect what’s coming, according to Pinto, and that could mean the market takes another leg down. The S&P 500 has dropped 21% this year as of Friday.

I don’t think we’ve seen the bottom of the market yet,” Pinto said. “When you think about corporate earnings heading into next year, expectations may still be too elevated; multiples in some equity markets including the S&P are probably a bit high.

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