Thursday November 26, 2020

// September 30th, 2020 // Daily News

Vicious first debate between Trump and Biden offered little on policy, lots of conflict

  • President Trump and Joe Biden brawled on their first chance to challenge each other face to face.
  • Hardly a minute went by without one of the candidates interrupting the other, whether on the coronavirus, the Supreme Court or the economy.
  • Even the moderator, Fox News’ Chris Wallace, couldn’t always stay above the fray.

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden had their first chance to challenge each other face to face. They did — a lot.

Hardly a minute went by in the 90-minute brawl without one of the candidates angrily interrupting the other, whether on the coronavirus pandemic, the Supreme Court, the economy or anything else, including each other’s families.

“Will you shut up, man?” Biden snapped at Trump at one point. “You’re the worst president America has ever had,” he said later.

“China ate your lunch,” Trump shot back at Biden during questions on the economy.

Even the moderator, Fox News’ Chris Wallace, couldn’t always stay above the fray.

“I hate to raise my voice, but why shouldn’t I be different than the two of you?” the exasperated host said at one point.


Today’s Inspiration

God’s Plan Always Wins

The Bible says, Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked . . . For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap”(Galatians 6:7 AMPC).

God’s Word is true, and He will not be overcome. Nothing can stop His plan, no matter how many obstacles might try to block the way (see Isaiah 54:17; 55:11; Psalm 33:11). Jesus has already completely defeated and disarmed Satan and all his demonic forces, so they cannot and will not win (see Colossians 2:15). If it seems like the enemy has built walls that are keeping you from your purpose, keep doing what’s right anyway—the harvest you’re waiting for will come at the right time (see Galatians 6:9-10).

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, remember that God’s plan for you is good (see Jeremiah 29:11), He’s empowering you to do everything you need to (see Philippians 4:13), and nothing can snatch you out of His hand (see John 10:28). As you follow Him, He’s got your back—no matter what—and He’s the One who will give you the grace to keep going.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me trust You with my calling and purpose, even when I feel overwhelmed. Thank You that nothing can stop Your good plan from coming to pass in my life, and that You haven’t forgotten me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


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