Monday October 16, 2017

// October 16th, 2017 // Daily News

Tell us what you think: Where does bitcoin go from here?

Bitcoin traded above $5,800 for the first time
The currency has been subject to wild swings
Proponents of the cryptocurrency have forecast the market capitalization of bitcoin to reach $1 trillion by 2025

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon might still think those buying bitcoin are “stupid,” but that didn’t stop the cryptocurrency from trading at records above $5,800 last week.

Optimism around bitcoin drove its market capitalization above that of Goldman Sachs on Friday, with some market insiders forecasting that figure to reach at least $1 trillion in the next eight years. (The market cap is currently about $93.55 billion, according to industry outlet Coindesk.)

Still, the virtual currency remains subject to wild price swings, and attempts by government regulators to crackdown on the cryptocurrency have unsettled investors. Just last month, the price of bitcoin fell around 13 percent following news that one of China’s largest bitcoin exchanges said it would be stopping operations.

Today’s Inspiration

The Lord Comes Looking for Us
By Kurt Selles, Monday, October 16, 2017 12:00 AM

Scripture Reading: Luke 15:1-7

Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.
Luke 15:6

In business, a cost/benefit analysis involves weighing the overall costs of a commercial activity to achieve the highest profit. With all of the cost involved in retrieving his one lost sheep, shouldn’t the shepherd in Jesus’ parable have just cut his losses and moved on with the other ninety-nine?

Apparently cost/benefit analysis wasn’t used in tending sheep. In those days every single sheep was precious to the shepherd. A good shepherd would leave the other 99 to make a desperate search for one missing sheep. And in rescuing that one pathetic sheep, the shepherd would joyfully sling it over his shoulders to carry it home, gathering family and friends to celebrate when he got there.

In this parable of the lost sheep, the Reformers rediscovered a deep spiritual truth: God doesn’t cut his losses on those who have gone astray. No, he goes after the lost when they are wandering in their sins, heading straight down the path toward destruction.

Just like lost sheep who can’t find their way home, neither can sinners. God comes looking for us because we are helpless and hopeless, and because he is full of grace and mercy.

How should we respond to such amazing love? By giving ourselves completely to the one who has rescued us from sin and death.

Lord, you love me so much that you came looking for me. In the same way that your grace has found me, let me share your grace with those around me. Amen

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