Tuesday October 3, 2017

// October 3rd, 2017 // Daily News

Billionaire Warren Buffett says stock valuations make sense with interest rates where they are

Billionaire Warren Buffett tells CNBC stock valuations make sense with interest rates where they are.
He also says Berkshire is holding off selling investments until he sees how the GOP tax reform efforts play out in Washington.

Billionaire Warren Buffett told CNBC on Tuesday stock market valuations make sense with interest rates where they are. Rates have been a “powerful factor” in equities values, he said.
The chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, who appeared on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” said stocks are going to outperform bonds.
“I can’t remember any decision we ever made based on the Fed,” Buffett said, stressing he buys shares of companies he likes rather than playing the overall market.
But Buffett said Berkshire is holding off selling investments until he sees how the GOP tax reform efforts play out in Washington.
At a party for Forbes magazine’s centennial last month, Buffett said he sees the Dow at over 1 million a century from now.
The Dow closed on Monday at 22,557, the 43rd all-time high set this year. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq were also riding record closes heading into Tuesday’s session.
From the November election that saw Donald Trump elected president to Monday’s close, the Dow gained 22 percent, the S&P rose about 17.8 percent, and the Nasdaq surged 25 percent.
When Buffett was on CNBC in August, the Oracle of Omaha said he was disappointed that Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton but stressed he’s not in the “business of attacking any president” nor does he think he should be.

Today’s Inspiration

Therefore encourage (admonish, exhort) one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:11

One day as I was going into an office building, a man standing nearby opened the door for me. I thanked him and smiled.

“You’re the fifth person I’ve held the door for,” he said, “and you’re the first one to smile and the second to thank me.”

I thanked him a second time, with a smile on my face. Afterward, I thought how much we take others for granted, even in simple things, such as opening a door for a stranger.

We often commend people when they do big things for us, but how often do we appreciate the little things?

When someone does something nice for you and you thank them, it builds them up and encourages them. It means a lot to them, just like it did to that man at the office building.

Did your bus arrive on time today? If so, did you thank the driver? The last time you ate at a restaurant, did you thank the waiter for filling your coffee cup a second time without being asked? This is the point I want to make: Develop an attitude of gratitude toward the people in your life.

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