Thursday September 21, 2017

// September 21st, 2017 // Daily News

stayed up til 11 08 pm last night, hoping to wear myself out so I could sleep through the night. That worked out great; I was wide awake at 2 38 am. So, rather than waste the time, I will share with you a conversation I had with Jesus yesterday.
I speak with him throughout my day, and often can hear him quite clearly.
Yesterday he said to me” give me your pain, your suffering, your tears, your anxiety,your fear, your anger, your resentment, your heartache. Let me handle your situation. Focus on YOUR JOURNEY. Focus on rebuilding your business, focus on your children, on Ana; look forward, Mark. When you start to look backwards, say these two words, MY JOURNEY, and I will bring your eyes forward.
John 16:33 says
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
HE quoted this to me yesterday.
For those of you out there, trying to overcome a broken heart, take solace in this:
Jesus is our savior; Our redeemer.
He can handle our sorrow, when we cannot.
Love eachother today

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