Tuesday April 11, 2017

// April 11th, 2017 // Daily News

Trump and global leaders urge Russia to break ties with Syria’s Assad


Leaders of the seven leading global economies have asked Russia to stop supporting the regime of President Bashar Assad following an alleged chemical attack on Syrians.
Boris Johnson, the British foreign minister, said at a G-7 meeting in Italy on Monday evening that this was the moment for Russia to pick a side.
“I think it’s very important that in these circumstances for the world to present a united front and for that there to be absolutely no ambiguity about the message and the message we are sending to the Russians is very, very clear: Do they want to stick with a toxic regime, do they want to be eternally associated with a guy who gases his own people or do they want to work with the Americans and the rest of the G-7 and indeed many other countries for a new future for Syria,” Johnson told reporters at the end of the first day of the G-7 meeting.
The U.K and the U.S. are reportedly pushing for more sanctions on Russia but there’s speculation that other G-7 leaders are opposed to the idea. Italian officials, hosting the meeting, invited members from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Turkey to participate in the discussions given their geopolitical importance when dealing with the Syrian war.
Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Tuesday his government has evidence that the Assad regime still has capacity to use chemical weapons. He urged his counterparts to agree on measures to prevent their use, Reuters reported.
The White House authorized the launch of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles on Thursday evening in response to what President Donald Trump’s administration and several U.S. allies claim was a chemical attack by the Bashar Assad regime which had left scores of people dead. This marked a shift in the U.S. administration’s strategy towards Russia and global politics.
On Monday night, British Prime Minister Theresa May had a phone conversation with Trump where they “agreed that a window of opportunity now exists in which to persuade Russia that its alliance with Assad is no longer in its strategic interest.”

Today’s Inspiration

Overcome Evil with Good

by Joyce Meyer – posted April 11, 2017

Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good.
—Romans 12:21

We must not use our personal problems as an excuse to be grouchy and unloving with other people. Always remember that we overcome evil with good. This is why it is so important that we trust God, and while we are waiting on a change in our circumstances, we should remember to do good, do good, and do good!

In the Bible, the apostle Paul shares how even in times when he was suffering, he believed that God would take care of those things that he entrusted to Him (see 2 Timothy 1:12-14). We can be grateful that, like Paul, we are called to give our problems to God and refuse to worry.

A simple formula for victory is trust God, don’t worry, do good, and keep meditating on and confessing God’s Word, because God’s Word is the weapon we have been given by which we can overcome evil and do good.

Prayer of Thanks: Thank You, Father, that no matter what I may be going through, You give me opportunities to do good for those around me. I don’t have to focus on myself; I can choose to help others. Let me be an encouragement and a blessing to someone today.

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