Thursday September 1, 2016

// August 24th, 2016 // Daily News

Italy earthquake: Army mobilized, dozens buried in Amatrice


A 6.2-magnitude earthquake rocked a swath of central Italy early Wednesday, burying residents under rubble as they slept and killing at least 38 people.
The temblor hit at 3:36 a.m. local time near Norcia, 50 miles southeast of Perugia, and was felt more than 100 miles away in Rome. Several large aftershocks followed.
As dawn broke, stunned locals picked through ruins in the worst-affected towns of Amatrice and Accumoli. Italy’s defense ministry mobilized the army to help in the search for survivors.
“There are people under the rubble,” the town’s mayor, Sergio Pirozzi, told state-run broadcaster RAI. “The town isn’t here anymore.”
Aftershocks were still being felt in the town as late as 1 p.m. local time (7 a.m. ET).
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said Italians “show their best side in difficult moments,” telling reporters: “We must continue to work and to dig through the debris in order to save human lives and give hope to all those involved in the area.”
Italy’s president Sergio Mattarella described the tragedy as a “moment of pain” for the country, while Pope Francis led pilgrims in prayer then tweeted of his “sorrow” about the disaster.
At least 38 people have been confirmed dead — including 17 in Amatrice alone, a spokeswoman for Italy’s civil protection agency told NBC News. Francesca Maffini said at least 11 others were killed in Accumoli and at least 10 in the town of Arquata.
She said residents in Amatrice were “distraught” and that schools were being used as makeshift shelters for the many displaced.

Today’s Inspiration

Don’t Offend God

by Joyce Meyer – posted August 24, 2016

…Work out (cultivate, carry out to the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling (self-distrust, with serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptation, timidly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ).
– Philippians 2:12

We can allow the Holy Spirit to invade our lives. We can be so filled with His presence and power that we allow Him into every aspect of who we are and into everything we do. He can get into our thoughts, emotions, and even our wills and bring healing and wholeness to our entire being, but He wants an invitation.

Tell the Holy Spirit you are ready to work with Him to bring what He has done in you by the grace of God to the forefront of your life. “Work it out,” which is the theme of our scripture for today, means that we must learn to live from the Spirit. We need to learn to live inside out. Be cautious not to offend God by giving in to temptation and sin. Learn to live in such a manner that your conscience is entirely clean at all times.

You might be thinking, Joyce, all of this sounds hard and I am not sure I have what it takes. But, I want to assure you that you do have what it takes, because you have the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. You cannot do it in your own strength, but as you partner with God you can do whatever you need to do in life. Don’t settle for a “barely get by” kind of life when there is a life of abundance waiting for you.

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