My Writings. My Thoughts.

Tuesday January 21, 2020

// January 21st, 2020 // Comments Off on Tuesday January 21, 2020 // Daily News

Davos doubt China and US will reach a phase 2 trade deal by end of Trump’s term

  • Many business executives gathered for the World Economic Forum are casting doubt on whether a phase two trade deal with China will get done by the end of President Trump’s first term.
  • One executive who is close to Trump said that business leaders have heard from Chinese trade officials who are privately acknowledging that they hope for all of the tariffs to be removed by the time the next deal is signed.
  • But Trump touted tariffs as a key negotiating tool, while Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said that only some tariffs could be removed.
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President Donald Trump delivers a speech during a special address on the opening day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020.
Jason Alden | Bloomberg | Getty Images

DAVOS, Switzerland – Many business leaders at the World Economic Forum aren’t convinced the latest round of trade negotiations between China and the U.S. will yield a “phase two” deal before the end of President Donald Trump’s first term.

The biggest potential stumbling blocks: U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods and Chinese pledges to buy more American products.

One executive who is close to Trump said that business leaders have heard from Chinese trade officials who are privately acknowledging that they hope for all of the tariffs to be removed by the time the next trade deal is signed. This executive declined to be named since the conversations were deemed private.

A phase two deal is expected to lead to a rollback of billions of dollars of tariffs that the U.S. hit were first laid onto China by the U.S. in 2018. Trump has said he may want to wait until after the election to sign a phase two trade deal and there hasn’t been a clear timeline from the White House as to when they expect the two sides to come to an agreement.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who is in Davos with the president, told The Wall Street Journal the next agreement could remove some but not all of the tariffs.

Doubts about a second deal were likely to dominate conversations at the elite gathering in the Swiss Alps, particularly as business leaders talk with White House officials there and in the coming months as Trump pursues his reelection. It is unclear how another China trade deal could be accomplished if Trump isn’t reelected. More than a dozen Democrats are vying for their party’s nomination to take on Trump in November, including former Vice President Joe Biden, Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and former mayors Pete Buttigieg and Mike Bloomberg.

“No one thinks it’s going to happen,” Ian Bremmer, the president of Eurasia Group, a political consulting firm, told CNBC after being asked where Davos attendees stand on future trade talks. “I really would be shocked to see a trade two deal get done before the election.” He noted one of the hurdles to another agreement could come down to China not buying as many goods as they promised.

A White House spokesperson did not return a request for comment.

The phase one deal demands that China increase their purchases of U.S. manufacturing, energy and agricultural goods and services by at least $200 billion over two years. It also includes provisions to root out intellectual property theft and forced technology transfers.

During his speech Tuesday in Davos, Trump reaffirmed that tariffs on China will remain in place and noted that these trade barriers have been a key negotiating tool.

“These achievements would not have been possible without the implementation of tariffs, which we had to use. And we’re using them on others, too,” Trump said. “That is why most of our tariffs on China will remain in place during the ‘phase two’ negotiations.”

Michael Corbat, the CEO of Citigroup, said he believes that the remaining tariffs on China will keep them at the negotiating table. But he noted that Trump is going to be under pressure by corporate CEOs and congressional leaders to get a phase two deal done if he gets reelected.

“I don’t think we see phase two in the remainder of this term, but I think if he is reelected certain people are going to try to hold his feet to the fire to deliver on this. I think some Democrats are going to come back and say, ‘You promised us this and you haven’t done it,’” Corbat said on the sidelines of Davos.

Citigroup does business all over the world, including extensive work in China.

Ray Dalio, who leads investment firm Bridgewater Associates, said he, too, doesn’t see a phase two deal getting done by the end of Trump’s first term. Yet Dalio also suggested that he wasn’t convinced phase one wasn’t as big of an accomplishment in the broader context of ongoing trade disputes between the two nations.

“I think it’s such a tiny thing as it almost doesn’t matter, in the whole scope of the issues. There are big issues,” Dalio told CNBC outside the conference center.

Finally, Richard Trumka, the president of the AFL-CIO and a supporter of Trump’s updated North American trade deal, poured some additional cold water on phase two hopes. The labor leader told CNBC that he does not believe phase two is a priority for the Trump administration.

Today’s Inspiration

Judged and Criticized

No matter what we do in life, at some point in time we will all face a level of criticism. But it is possible to learn how to cope with criticism and not let it affect your life.

We can be grateful for the example the apostle Paul set for us. Paul experienced criticism often, but he said that he was not concerned about the judgment of others. He knew he was in God’s hands and that in the end he would stand before God and give an account of himself and his life. He would not stand before any man to be judged (see 1 Corinthians 4:3–4).

You may not always do everything right, but God sees your heart. If you’re attempting to live for God and looking for ways to love others, God is pleased (see Matthew 22:37–40). Don’t worry about the criticism of others; God loves you. His love and approval are all you need.

Prayer Starter: Father, I thank You that I don’t have to listen to the criticism of others. You see my heart and You know my motives. I thank You that Your approval is greater than the approval of any person. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Thursday December 19, 2019

// December 4th, 2019 // Comments Off on Thursday December 19, 2019 // Daily News

Next Year will be hard on the housing market, especially in these big cities
Diana Olick

Sales of existing homes will fall 1.8% from 2019, according to the forecast.
Home prices will flatten nationally, increasing just 0.8% annually, but prices will fall in a quarter of the 100 largest metropolitan markets, including Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Miami, St. Louis, Detroit and San Francisco.
As demand heats up in the spring, driven by the growing number of millennials entering the market, the supply of homes for sale could hit its lowest in history.
Home sales will drop, the housing shortage could become the worst in U.S. history, and home values will shrink in some cities. That’s the 2020 forecast from, which holds one of the largest databases of housing statistics available.
Sales of existing homes will fall 1.8% from 2019, according to the forecast. Home prices will flatten nationally, increasing just 0.8% annually, but prices will fall in a quarter of the 100 largest metropolitan markets, including Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, Miami, St. Louis, Detroit and San Francisco.
It is a seemingly contrary assessment, given the current strength of the economy and of homebuyer demand, but the dynamics of this housing market are unlike any other — the result of a housing crash unlike any other.
“Real estate fundamentals remain entangled in a lattice of continuing demand, tight supply and disciplined financial underwriting,” said George Ratiu, senior economist at “Accordingly, 2020 will prove to be the most challenging year for buyers, not because of what they can afford but rather what they can’t find.”
It’s all about supply. The inventory of homes for sale has been falling steadily for several years and is at its lowest on the lowest end of the market. That caused prices to overheat, weakening affordability. The 2020 forecast offers no relief, in fact just the opposite. As demand heats up in the spring, driven by the growing number of millennials entering the market, the supply of homes for sale could hit its lowest in history. The situation will only be exacerbated by the baby boom generation, which, according to the forecast, will have little incentive to sell, given weaker home prices.
“While millennials share many similar traits with prior generations, they have been marked by a delay in major life milestones, including starting a family and purchasing a home,” said Ratiu. “Millennials not only purchased a higher-priced first home but faced with growing families, many of them skipped the traditional starter home and moved straight to a mid-priced, trade-up home.”

Today’s Inspiration

DECEMBER 04, 2019
Every Day Is Thanksgiving
Adapted from the resource The Greatest Gift Study – by Joyce Meyer

Thanksgiving is not just a day to eat turkey and pumpkin pie. It was a day originally set aside to remember and give thanks to God for what He had done in protecting the first men and women who came to America, fleeing religious persecution in Europe. It was a type of harvest celebration like the one that the Jews celebrated – a day to give thanks for the crops they were able to harvest.

In addition to thanking God as we go through life, it is also a good idea to set aside special times of gratitude and giving thanks.

Sometimes our family sits together and remembers where God has brought us from, and we thank Him for all He has done. Dave and I talk about our life when our children were all young and we lived in a tiny three-room apartment and had to cash in soda pop bottles to make it through until payday.

I am sure you can recall times similar to those we had, and remembering them makes us thankful for how God brought us through them, and for all the progress we have made by His goodness.

Prayer Starter: Father, help me to realize that Thanksgiving is more than just a day on the calendar. I am grateful for all You have done in my life, not just today, but every day of the year.