My Writings. My Thoughts.

Tuesday November 15, 2022

// November 15th, 2022 // Comments Off on Tuesday November 15, 2022 // Daily News



Household debt soars at fastest pace in 15 years as credit card use surges, Fed report says

Households increased debt during the third quarter at the fastest pace in 15 years due to hefty increases in credit card usage and mortgage balances, the Federal Reserve reported Tuesday.

Total debt jumped by $351 billion for the July-to-September period, the largest nominal quarterly increase since 2007, bringing the collective household IOU in the U.S. to a fresh record $16.5 trillion, up 2.2% from the previous quarter and 8.3% from a year ago.

The increase follows a $310 billion jump in the second quarter and represents a $1.27 trillion annual increase.

Debt has surged over the past year due to inflation running near its highest pace in more than 40 years and amid rising interest rates and strong consumer demand.

The biggest contributors to that debt load came from mortgage balances, which rose $1 trillion from a year ago to $11.7 trillion, and credit card debt, which climbed to $930 billion.

The credit card balance collectively rose more than 15% from the same period in 2021, the largest annual jump in more than 20 years, according to the New York Fed, which released the report. The increase “towers over the last eighteen years of data,” a group of Fed researchers said in a blog post on the central bank site.

Thursday October 27, 2022

// October 27th, 2022 // Comments Off on Thursday October 27, 2022 // Daily News

Twitter ‘cannot become a free-for-all hellscape,’ Musk tells advertisers


  • Billionaire Elon musk sought to reassure advertisers of his intentions in buying Twitter on the eve of his deadline to close the acquisition and avoid a new court date.
  • The message comes as The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that many advertisers are concerned about his speculated plans to scale back content moderation and potential conflicts of interest.
  • “The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,” he wrote.

Today’s Inspiration

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Take Time to Listen

Adapted from the resource Closer to God Each Day – by Joyce Meyer

In order to hear the voice of God, it is necessary to find times just to be still. This is an important part of living in close fellowship with God. It is how you recognize God’s leading in your life. A busy, hurried, frantic, stressful lifestyle makes it very challenging to hear the Lord.

If you are hungry to perceive God’s voice, find a place to get quiet before Him. Get alone with Him and tell Him that you need Him and want Him to teach you how to receive His guidance and direction. Ask Him to tell you what He has for your life and what He wants you to do that day.

And then I encourage you to do this: Take time to listen.

Even if you don’t feel an immediate prompting in your spirit, God promises that if you seek Him, you will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13). You will get a word from God. He will lead you by an inner knowing, by common sense, by wisdom, or by peace. And each time, however He leads you, His leading will always line up with His Word.

I have found that God doesn’t always speak to us right away or necessarily during our prayer time. He may end up speaking to you two days later while you are in the middle of doing something completely unrelated. Though it may not be in our timing, God will speak to us and let us know the way we should go.

Prayer of the Day: Lord Jesus, I need You! Teach me how to hear Your voice, receive Your guidance and direction. Show me what You want me to do today and help me as I listen for your voice. I love You, amen.